EPI Enhanced Air Filtration System

Prevent pathogens from entering your barn

The EPI Air system releases a large number of negative ions into the air, binding to dust and airborne pathogens.  The charged particles can be easily removed from the airstream improving the air quality.  This will reduce the exposure of the livestock in the barn to pathogens.


EPI Air can be used alone or in combination with filters.  EPI Air is able to drastically improve filter performance and reduce the airborne pathogens in the barn.  This is accomplished with low energy consumption, low installation costs and no increase in air resistance.  This is particularly well suited for retrofits of older barns.

low energy

low installation

no increase
in air resistance

Two Application Modes
EPI Air Only

Eliminate intake viruses

When applied individually, EPI air can capture particles and all microorganisms carried on the particles, disinfection and sterilization pathogens to prevent foreign pathogens from entering the barn, and protect animals in the barn from infection. 

EPI Air +Medium Filter

Enhance filtration performance

For specific pathogenic animals, the combination of EPI air intake system and filtration facilities can permanently and significantly enhance the filtration efficiency and greatly improve the prevention and control effect of airborne diseases. 

Filter Wall Inlet Air Enhancements

The EPI Air Enhanced Inlet Air Filtration for inlet air filter walls are composed of a MERV 8 filter wall (pictured here) with a suspended wall of corona wire matrix immediately preceding it.  The corona wire matrix wall provides a complete plane of ionization which the air must pass through prior to reaching the filtration wall.. 

Benefit of the Enhanced Air Filtration System

Air Disinfection

Enhanced the filtration

Pathogen Barrier


Case Study

Enhansed the filtration efficiency, removal efficiency up to 68%

An under-eaves EPI Air Enhaned Inlet Air Filtration system was installed in a commercial high-rise hen house for a one year evaluation.  Results after a year of testing showed removal efficiency of up to 66% for 1um particles, 66% for 2.5um particles and 68% removal efficiency for 10um particles.  Total particle removal efficiency was 68%.  The low efficiency MERV 8 filters were able to capture large portions of incoming dust particles, including dust particles which normally carry pathogens.   





